(Photo by Daniel Petty/A&D Creative)
For the second time in two years, generous donations to the Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal were able to fund bonus checks for all Archdiocese of Denver Catholic School teachers.
The announcement was made to archdiocese teachers during Catholic Schools Week, Jan. 31-Feb. 4, in recognition of the extraordinary conditions they have been educating through, all during a pandemic.
“These past two years have brought new challenges to your teaching environment and you have responded with remarkable efforts to keep our schools open for in-person learning,” said Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila.
Catholic school teachers choose to make a financial sacrifice when they decide to teach in a Christ-filled environment and provide a quality education.
Nationwide news reports show parents are turning to Catholic schools to teach their children in areas where public school teachers refuse to work in-person. Archdiocese schools in Chicago recently received a five percent jump in enrollment, according to the Chicago Tribune.
“The decision to give these bonus checks represents a small token of our profound gratitude the archdiocese has for its dedicated Catholic educators,” said Archdiocese Catholic School Superintendent Elias Moo. “We also want to thank the generous donors to the Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal who went above and beyond and made these checks possible.”
If you would like to donate to the annual Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal which helps fund Catholic schools, please visit give.archden.org.