The bishops of Colorado have issued the following letter regarding Initiative 120, the late-term abortion ban that will appear on the ballot in November.
On June 8, with bipartisan support, the people of Colorado acquired enough signatures to ensure that the late-term abortion ban (currently referred to as Initiative 120) is on the November ballot.
We, the bishops of Colorado, implore Coloradans — especially the Catholic faithful — to vote for the late-term abortion ban during the November elections. We are placing the late-term abortion ban under the patronage of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, “Mother Cabrini,” given her role in helping orphaned children and immigrants in Colorado.
We ask Mother Cabrini to intercede on behalf of all the families and children directly impacted by abortion, and for the success of the effort to prohibit late-term abortion.
Colorado is one of seven states in America that has no restrictions on the gestational age of a child for an abortion. This means that in Colorado unborn children can be killed at any moment up until birth. Most states in America have imposed restrictions on abortion at 20 weeks’ gestation or at viability of life outside the womb. Colorado is far behind other states in protecting the lives of the unborn.
Ending the legal protection for abortion is the most important political objective of Colorado Catholics because these children are deprived of their right to live. While the late-term abortion ban will not ban abortion entirely, it does protect children who are older than 22 weeks’ gestation. This is a positive change from the status quo and promotes a “culture of life” that values unborn children. It is a step in the right direction.
The Church teaches, and human reason based on the findings of science affirms, that human life begins at conception. The Church objects to abortion on the moral principle that each and every human life has inherent dignity, and thus must be treated with respect due to a human person. This is the foundation of the Church’s social doctrine. There has never been or will be a legitimate need to abort a 22-week-old baby in the womb.
It is our duty as faithful Catholics and Coloradans to take advantage of this unique opportunity to address Colorado’s unjust law and scale back abortions by limiting them up to 22 weeks. This requires your participation by voting YES for the late-term abortion ban on the November election ballot.
Mother Cabrini, pray for us.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Samuel J. Aquila Archbishop of Denver
Most Reverend Jorge Rodriguez Auxiliary Bishop of Denver
Most Reverend Stephen J. Berg Bishop of Pueblo
Most Reverend Michael J. Sheridan Bishop of Colorado Springs