As another school year comes to a close, we want to honor the hundreds of high school graduates who graduated from one of the Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Denver. This year, we add two new high schools to that list — St. John Paul II High School in Windsor and the Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Victory in Littleton. Congratulations to all the graduates, and may the Lord bless you richly as you enter the next chapter of your lives!
“I want to extend my congratulations and blessings to all of the high school graduates in the Archdiocese of Denver, especially those graduating from Holy Family and Bishop Machebeuf! May the Lord continue to light your way as you embark on your next adventure. My fervent prayer is that you always seek his friendship and an intimate relationship with him in all that you do. May God bless you with his peace and protection!”Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila
Holy Family High School
Graduation date: Thursday, May 18, 2023 Number of graduates: 175 Number of graduates attending college: 165 Valedictorian: Patrick Cavanaugh (University of Notre Dame) Salutatorian: Kathryne Johnson (University of Mary)
You have lived through times of great trial and strife in our nation and bear the scars of that time. With that, you learned that you are capable of enduring and overcoming. You now have a reservoir of character you can draw on in future times of trouble to help yourself and others. You have the capacity for courage and resilience; by your example, you can inspire others to greatness. With that knowledge should come confidence – a genuine understanding of what you can do when you are placed under duress. I am grateful for all you have done to help Holy Family. You have made your mark on this place and our hearts; we will always be thankful to the class of 2023! Matthew Hauptly Principal
Bishop Machebeuf High School
Graduation date: May 19, 2023
Number of graduates: 50
Number of graduates attending college: 47
Valedictorian: Jerome Siegel
Salutatorian: Teresa Sri
“…it will be a joy to remember these things, my prayer for you on this and every day is that you remember the moments at Machebeuf where you most experienced charity. Let these memories continue to form you so that you can bring the love of Christ to others beyond these walls.”Harold Siegel Prinicpal
St. John Paul II High School
Graduation Date: May 20th, 2023 Number of graduates: 6 Number of graduates attending college: 5 (University of Dallas, Benedictine College, Tarleton University, Aims Community College, and the Angelicum). Valedictorian: Magdalen Davida Pouliot Salutatorian: Trinity Rose Hockel
This is a historic moment for northern Colorado that the first graduating class of our long-awaited Catholic high school should be preparing for their commencement. These fine students deserve lauds for their courage and perseverance, and I hope that you will all join me in praying for their continued growth in Christ. My dearest seniors, I love you very much and am exceptionally proud of you. Remember as you move on to your grand pursuits: ferociter bis amate! Blaise Hockel Headmaster
Mullen High School
Graduation date: Sunday, May 21, 2023 Number of graduates: 198 Number of graduates attending college: 194 Valedictorian: Amy Rae O’Connell Salutatorian: Ella Rose Krelovich
Class Motto: To be nobody-but-yourself in a world which is doing its best, day-to-day, to make you everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight.” E.E. Cummings
Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Victory
Graduation date: May 20, 2023 Number of graduates: 10 Number of graduates attending college: 8, 1 spending a year in Spain with the Disciples of the Heart of Jesus and Mary, 1 entering a trade Valedictorian: Evelyn Polley G.K. Award: John Paul Buches
“We give thanks to Our Lord and Our Lady for this inaugural class of Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Victory. Our patron G.K. Chesterton said, “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” These graduates have imbibed on that joyful wonder through their study and their friendship. They have learned that virtue and holiness are the path to encountering Our Lord and sharing in his joy. In these days, we share in their joy as they graduate and continue to live in God’s providential care.” Alex Crane Headmaster
Regis Jesuit High School
BOYS DIVISION Number of Graduates: 218 Graduation Ceremony: Sunday, May 14, 2023 Valedictorian: Eshaan Palanati (Attending Cornell University) Salutatorian: Seth Taylor (Attending University of Alberta)
Take what you have learned about love, compassion, selflessness and God at Regis Jesuit and use it to make a positive impact on the world. Those are the real-life skills. How are you going to uphold the honor of being the Class of 2023? We are the continuation of Regis Jesuit, the next collection of students going out into the world, and we will change that world. Max Larson
GIRLS DIVISION Number of Graduates: 171 Graduation Ceremony: Sunday, May 14, 2023 Valedictorian: Karina Gasparyan (Attending University of Denver) Salutatorian: Kamrynn Kelly (Attending United States Air Force Academy)
I hope you leave Regis Jesuit without fear in trying new endeavors especially when you have each other and the new communities you will forge in college or elsewhere to fall into. Have the courage to be the first to say hi, to invite that classmate to lunch, to compliment that person sitting beside you. I am telling you, as long as you follow your heart and let love guide your every action, everything will be okay. Meredith Garnsey
99% of the members of the Class of 2023 were accepted into nearly 350 schools will matriculate to 158 colleges or universities next year.
Arrupe Jesuit High School
Graduation date: May 19, 2023 Number of graduates: 98 Number of graduates attending college: 98 Valedictorians: Ms. Natalia Bustillos Valles Ms. Mariela Garza Cancino Ms. Vanessa Trevizo Huizar
In this 20th anniversary year for Arrupe Jesuit, the class of 2023 has so much to celebrate! They have distinguished themselves as excellent students, dedicated leaders, young professionals through our Corporate Work Study Program, and as generous men and women for others. Our 98 graduates will greatly enrich the 18 college and university communities they join this fall. May our gracious Lord continue to bless these graduates abundantly! Father John Nugent, SJ Principal
St. Mary’s Academy
Graduation date: May 20, 2023 Number of graduates: 59 Number attending college: 100%
“I am excited to see what the future holds for the 2023 class of St. Mary’s Academy. I know one thing for sure – they will use their voice to bring about positive change. They will navigate the next step of their lives with confidence, grace, and optimism. Congratulations to the Class of 2023!” Iswari Natarajan Principal
Denver Catholic Homeschoolers
Graduation date: May 20, 2023 Number of graduates: 14 Number of graduates attending college: 13
“Do not look for your happiness only in a fulfilling job and finding “what you want to do in life.” What we do is important, yes, but more important is how we love. There are many people with successful careers, but who are unhappy and find themselves unfulfilled because they are not yet living a life of sacrificial love. Therefore, seek not first of all: “what do I want to do? What college major do I want? What career do I want?” But rather seek: “How is God calling me to love and make of my life a gift of sacrificial love?” … I wish you success in your work and in your vocations. And yet even more so, I wish for you to know the secret to overcome lack of success by the cross of Christ. When you meet with great failures and when it might seem that your life is a disaster: remember that, through the cross, even our failures and sufferings can be turned to great good.”Father John-James Arcidiacono, CSJ