Very Rev. William Clemence was reappointed Rector of the Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary in Denver, Colo, effective Sept. 23, 2022, for a period of three years.
Rev. John Ezratty, M.C. was granted Presbyteral Faculties effective Oct. 1, 2022, until his time in ministry here has ended. He will be in residence at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception until Jan 1, 2023, at which time he will transfer residence to St. Elizabeth of Hungary Mission Church in Denver, Colo. His ministry includes serving the students of the college and universities on the Auraria Campus.
Rev. Restom Amine, O.F.M. Cap, was granted Presbyteral Faculties, effective Oct. 6, 2022, until his mission with the Capuchin Province of Mid-America has ended. His primary assignment will be providing pastoral care to the Ge’ez Rite Catholic Community. He will be in residence in the St. Francis Friary in Denver, Colo.
Rev. Frederick Sserugga was appointed Parochial Vicar at St. Theresa Parish in Frederick, Colo., effective Oct. 9, 2022, ad nutum archiepiscopi, It is anticipated he will serve three years before reassignment.
Rev. Juan Manuel Bonilla was appointed Parochial Vicar at Holy Trinity Parish in Westminster, Colo., effective Oct. 9, 2022, ad nutum archiepiscopi, It is anticipated he will serve three years before reassignment.
Rev. Michael Freihofer was appointed Parochial Vicar of St. John XXIII Parish in Fort Collins, Colo., effective Oct. 23, 2022, ad nutum archiepiscopi, It is anticipated he will serve three years before reassignment.
Rev. Antonio J. Flores Cota, C.R., is granted Presbyteral Faculties, effective immediately, until his time in ministry here has ended. He will be in residence at the St. Andrew Avellino Seminary in Denver, Colo.
Rev. Jason Moore, O.F.M. Cap, is granted Presbyteral Faculties effective Nov. 12, 2022, until his mission with the Capuchin Province of Mid-America has ended. His primary assignment will be in Jail Ministry. He will be in residence in the San Antonio Friary in Denver, Colo.
Rev. Gregg Pedersen, Pastor of Our Lady of the Valley Parish in Windsor, Colo., has been granted a Sabbatical, effective Jan. 1, 2023, until June 30, 2023.
Very Rev. Samuel Morehead, V.F. has been appointed Dean of the Central East Deanery, effective immediately, until July 31, 2025.
Very Rev. David Bluejacket, V.F. has been appointed Dean of the East Deanery, effective immediately, until 31 July 2025.
Very Reverend Joseph Tran, V.F. has been appointed Dean of the West Deanery, effective immediately, until July 31, 2025.
Very Rev. Angel Perez-Brown, V.F. has been appointed Dean of the Greeley Deanery, effective immediately, until July 31, 2025.
Very Rev. Simon Kalonga, V.F. has been appointed Dean of the Fort Collins Deanery, effective immediately, until July 31, 2025.
Very Rev. John Hilton, V.F. has been appointed Dean of the Southeast Deanery, effective immediately, until July 31, 2025.
Very Rev. Peter Wojda, V.F. has been appointed Dean of the Western Slope Deanery, effective immediately, until July 31, 2025.
Very Rev. James S. Spahn, V.F. has been reappointed Dean of the Northeast Deanery, effective immediately, until July 31, 2025.
Rev. Damian Carr, O.C.S.O., was granted Presbyteral Faculties of the Archdiocese of Denver effective immediately, until his mission here with the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance has ended. He is serving as the Monastic Commissary at St. Benedict’s Abbey in Snowmass, Colo.
Rev. Richard Castro Huergo, M.C., was granted Presbyteral Faculties of the Archdiocese of Denver and appointed Parochial Vicar at Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception Parish in Denver, Colo., effective Sept. 1, 2022, ad nutum archiepiscopi. He will be in residence at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception until Jan. 1, 2023, and then will be in residence at the St. Elizabeth of Hungary Mission Church on the Auraria Campus in Denver, Colo.
Very Rev. Thomas B. Curran, S.J., was granted Presbyteral Faculties of the Archdiocese of Denver and is assigned as the Superior of the Regis University Jesuit Community in Denver, Colo., effective Sept. 15, 2022, until his time in ministry here is complete. He is in residence at the Regis University Jesuit Community in Denver, Colo.
Rev. Mr. Kevin Emil Kasel was granted Diaconal Faculties of the Archdiocese of Denver and assigned to Diaconal Ministry at Christ the King Parish in Denver, Colo., effective Sept. 15, 2022, until May 12, 2023. He resides at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary and continues in formation for the priesthood.
Rev. Mr. Anthony Due Huan Phan was granted Diaconal Faculties of the Archdiocese of Denver and assigned to Diaconal Ministry at Most Precious Blood Parish in Denver, Colo., effective Sept. 15, 2022, until May 12, 2023. He resides at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary and continues in formation for the priesthood.
Very Rev. Gregory Bierbaum, V.F., has been granted Presbyteral Faculties in the Archdiocese of Denver to support the Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Victory in Centennial, Colo., effective immediately until June 1, 2023. During this time, he also serves as Pastor at St. Mark Parish in Highlands Ranch, Colo., in the Diocese of Colorado Springs, where he is in residence.
Rev. William Dwayer has been granted Presbyteral Faculties in the Archdiocese of Denver to support the Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Victory in Centennial, Colo., effective immediately until June 1, 2023. During this time, he also serves as the Parochial Vicar at St. Mark Parish in Highlands Ranch, Colo., in the Diocese of Colorado Springs, where he is in residence.
Rev. Michael Wegenka, S.J., has been granted Presbyteral Faculties Oct 31, 2022, until his time in ministry here has ended. He is missioned to be a Vocations Promoter for the USA Central and Southern Province of the Society of Jesus and will be in residence at the Regis University Jesuit Community in Denver, Colo.
Rev. Keith Windsor, O.F.M. Cap., was granted Presbyteral Faculties and assigned to Deliverance Ministry, effective Nov. 1, 2022, until June 30, 2025. He will be in residence at the San Antonio Friary in Denver, Colo.
Rev. Gabriel Gillen was granted Presbyteral Faculties, effective Nov. 1, 2022, until June 30, 2025. He is assigned as a Chaplain to the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS). His permanent residence will be at the St. Dominic Priory in Washington, D.C. and when he is here, he will stay at the St. Dominic Priory in Denver, Colo.
Reverend Eric Zegeer has been assigned as the Chaplain for the Denver Guild of the Catholic Medical Association, effective Nov. 1, 2022, until June 30, 2025. This is in addition to his appointment as Parochial Administrator for Sacred Heart Parish in Denver, Colo.