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Image by Simon Berger


Writer's pictureDenver Catholic Staff

Pro-Life Colorado coalition shows the way; cautions against upcoming ballot initiatives

Updated: 1 day ago

Despite major victories in the pro-life cause around the U.S. in the wake of the Dobbs decision, Colorado’s legislators and special interest groups continue to push to make Colorado an abortion destination state. One needn’t look further than Propositions 115 and 106 or various legislative bills such as HB 21-1183 to know those working for a culture of life in Colorado have their work cut out for them.

That’s why the Archdiocese of Denver is proud to support a recently formed coalition, Pro-Life Colorado. The Coalition brings together 40 different and diverse groups that have worked on pro-life issues across the state for years, whether they are involved in the political arena or actively providing pro-life services like women’s health clinics and family-oriented charities.

Our hope is that this Coalition will lead the way at the state capitol as a united pro-life voice with shared principles and operating with prudence given the realities of our state.

Other well-intentioned groups support pro-life initiatives in Colorado that stand little chance of succeeding at the ballot box. In fact, some pro-life initiatives that may be introduced to Colorado voters are, unfortunately, likely to do more harm than good. One such example is the recently announced initiative to bring criminal penalties to women who procure abortions. Anyone who has watched even moderate pro-life bills fail abysmally in Colorado over the last decade will know that such an initiative has zero chance of becoming law in Colorado and will likely energize pro-choice voting, damaging the work of the Coalition and all its constituents.

This is the political reality we must contend with here in Colorado. While well-intentioned, pro-life efforts ought to be focused on the initiatives and movements that have the best chance of changing hearts and building a truly pro-life culture at the grassroots level. Therefore, the Pro-Life Coalition, and the bishops of Colorado united as the Colorado Catholic Conference, have asked that parishes not support this initiative.

If you’d like to get involved in the politics of building a culture of life in Colorado, please contact your parish liaison or visit


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