SJR24-003 would designate January 22 as “Roe v. Wade Anniversary Day” in the state of Colorado. This resolution declares a “fundamental” right to abortion, applauds HB22-1279 Reproductive Health Equity Act, and subsequent abortion bills SB23-188, 189, and 190, and declares that recent defeats of pro-life legislation mean that Colorado is a “pro-abortion state.” Additionally, the resolution argues for the need for public funding for abortion and recommends the November 2024 ballot have a proposition to repeal the prohibition against taxpayer funding for abortion. The resolution argues that the prohibition against public funding for abortion is “discriminatory.” This is a monstrous violation of the sanctity of life of pre-born children and harms woman and families. Roe is not to be celebrated, but lamented for causing the destruction of over 65 million lives since it was first decided.
If Colorado allows “Right to Abortion” initiative (currently collecting signatures) to get on the 2024 ballot and pass, Colorado will be the #1 abortion state in America. We must make our voices heard now! Click here to contact your legislator.
Plan to attend the Colorado March for Life, on the anniversary of Colorado’s abortion law, the Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA). RHEA went far beyond Roe to make elective abortion for the full 40 weeks of pregnancy a “fundamental right” and remove “individual and derivative rights” from pre-born babies at all stages of development (egg, embryo, and fetus) — which arguably includes partial birth abortion.
Sign-up to attend the Colorado March for Life on April 12 at the Colorado state capitol here.