This series, which will span several weeks, is a recounting of “Wisdom from Walburga” from the mind and heart of Mother Maria-Michael, O.S.B., abbess of the Abbey of St. Walburga, in answer to some of the foundational questions and concerns of countless Catholics on the road to Heaven.
‘Let God lead you’: The importance of surrender
As we strive to grow in the spiritual life, we cannot neglect docility to God’s plan and surrender to love, Mother Maria-Michael said.
“Let God lead you. Let him love you. That’s what really changes people,” she shared. “Just let God love you; let him be a part of your life, not just when you’re sitting in the church but when you go out. Take him with you, take him everywhere with you, and make a place for him even in the home.”
Regardless of one’s wounds, faults, failings or perceived unworthiness, God’s love remains, and calls each closer to his heart. By surrendering to God, who loves us beyond what we can imagine, inconceivable fruit comes to bear.
“He’ll lead you into a relationship that’s just between you and him. But it involves church, you know. You will be amazed. You will hear him if you let him,” Mother continued, reflecting on how the Lord has moved in her life as she has gradually grown in surrender. “He wanted to make me better. He wanted to make me fully who I was.”
The Wisdom from Walburga lies in an unreserved, unconditional surrender to God, who loves us profoundly. Through our humble surrender, we tear down the walls we’ve put up to keep him out and invite him ever closer so that he can love us into new life, so that he can make us fully who we are.