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Five Ways to Have a More Merciful Lent
Seven Capital Sins, Seven Lenten Virtues
Q&A: Two new children’s books help kids better understand Lent and the Real Presence
‘Now I begin’: Get back on track with your Lenten penances
Looking for a Stations of the Cross for Lent? The SJV Lay Division has you covered.
Help support Ukraine and the Church in Central and Eastern Europe on Ash Wednesday
In Lenten message, Pope Francis exhorts: ‘Let us not grow tired of doing good’
This Lent, choose to be intentional about what you do
<em>The Search</em> could make this Lent your most meaningful ever
The Two Forties: The Eucharist within quarantine and Lent
Keep it simple: Lenten giving made easy
Five books to help you reboot your spiritual life this Lent
Finding renewal in a grumbling stomach
Leisure, work, and how to truly celebrate the holy days
Stand together and walk for the Way of the Cross
The goal of Lent: Conformity to Christ
Facing sin to begin Lent
<em>Q&A:</em> Deepen your prayer habits this Lent
A guide to finding the Lenten resolutions you actually need
From ashes to Easter: Five tidbits about the Lenten season