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George Weigel
Distinguished Senior Fellow of Washington’s Ethics and Public Policy Center, George Weigel is a Catholic theologian and one of America’s leading public intellectuals.
Two who didn’t run
Churchmen of the Year
We’re ‘fans,’ not ‘fan bases’
Mary, the Church, Christmas, and Jimmy Lai
The German Crisis, the World Church, and Pope Francis
Books for Christmas – 2022
Genocide in Ukraine?
Giving thanks for Mike Pence at Thanksgiving
Diminished bishops, the new ultramontanism, and the Synodal process
Three pontificates and Vatican II
President Biden, Archbishop Paglia, and the mortification of the Church
Why Vatican II Was Necessary
John XXIII’s original intention for Vatican II
Thank you, Your Majesty
Evangelization: What and When?
Finding the bishops we need
On the folly of ignoring dictators
Christian solidarity vs. barbarism
Wars and choices
On the ever-accelerating passage of time