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Image by Simon Berger


Writer's pictureDenver Catholic Staff

From perfecting a website to building a social network, media experts to teach how

In a 2013 survey of what parishes want, a top request was “help with using new media to reach people.”

In response, the Office of Evangelization and Family Life Ministries, which visited pastors and deanery meetings across the Denver Archdiocese to discover their needs, is offering the Digital Church Conference from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 3 at Our Lady of Loreto Parish, 18000 E. Arapahoe Road in Foxfield.

“The Digital Church Conference is designed to help people who have no experience with things like Facebook, Twitter and websites to get started quickly, as well as to take those who do have experience to the next level to reach a larger audience,” said Greg Willits, organizer and director of the Evangelization and Family Life Ministries Office.

“This conference is literally open to anybody,” he added, “but I particularly think that pastors, directors of religious education, youth ministers and business managers—anyone whose job at a parish is to communicate with the parish community—should be at this event.”

The one-day conference will be led by a trio of digital media experts: author and speaker Brandon Vogt who works as content director for Father Robert Barron’s Word on Fire Catholic Ministries; Flocknote communication tool founder and CEO Matthew Warner, and website firm eCatholic founder and CEO Josh Simmons.

“What’s great is that all three of these people have created or helped to develop online tools and resources that are being used by parishes of the Archdiocese of Denver,” Willits said.

Attendees will be able to learn everything from perfecting their website, to building their social network, to evangelizing online.

Conference cost is $67 per person and includes lunch. Register online at

“People asked for help and this is absolutely the best help that can be given in this area,” said Willits who is himself a new media leader with 10 years’ experience in the IT industry and the creator of several popular podcasts and video productions.

“These men are absolutely top notch,” he declared. “I’m confident that every parish and every person that attends this event will reap benefits in reaching parishioners where they are online.”

Digital Church Conference

Who: Open to everyone

Presenters: Brandon Vogt, Matthew Warner, Josh Simmons

When: 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Oct. 3

Where: Our Lady of Loreto Parish, 18000 E. Arapahoe Road in Foxfield

Cost: $67 per person, includes lunch


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