The following are granted Presbyteral Faculties of the Archdiocese of Denver on the day of their ordination to their priesthood (May 14, 2016) and appointed as follows:
Deacon Vincent Bui, appointed Parochial Vicar at All Saints Parish, Denver, Colorado, effective June 15, 2016, for a three year period.
Deacon James Claver, appointed Chaplain, Bishop Machebeuf High School, Denver, Colorado, effective June 15, 2016, until his time in ministry is completed.
Deacon Mason Fraley, Parochial Vicar at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Northglenn, Colorado, effective June 15, 2016, for a three year period.
Deacon Fernando Londoño, appointed Parochial Vicar, Queen of Peace Parish, Aurora, Colorado, effective June 15, 2016, for a three year period.
Deacon Matthew Magee, appointed Parochial Vicar at St. Michael, Craig; St. Ignatius, Rangely and Holy Family, Meeker, Colorado, effective June 15, 2016, for a three year period.
Deacon Salvador Sanchez, appointed Parochial Vicar at St. Peter, Greeley, Colorado, effective June 15, 2016, for a three year period.
Watch the Ordination live May 14th online at:
#DeaconJamesClaver #StPeterParishGreeley #StIgnatiusMissionChurchRangely #DeaconVincentBui #DeaconFernandoLondoño #DeaconMasonFraley #DeaconSalvadorSanchez #officialappointments #ImmaculateHeartofMaryParishNorthglenn #DeaconMatthewMagee #HolyFamilyMeeker #BishopMachebeufHighSchoolDenver #AllSaintsParish #StMichaelParishCraig #QueenofPeaceParish