This Thursday, March 17, the Colorado Senate Judiciary Committee will hear public testimony on HB22-1279 Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA). This year, Democrat lawmakers are committed to turning Colorado into the most extreme abortion state in the country. It is our moral obligation as Catholics to tell our lawmakers that they must vote, “NO.”
Senate Judiciary Committee members Sen. Pete Lee (Chairman and co-sponsor of RHEA), Sen. Julie Gonzales (prime sponsor of RHEA), and Sen. Robert Rodriguez (co-sponsor of RHEA) need to hear from you on this bill before the committee hearing tomorrow, March 17.
If the bill passes committee on Thursday, it will likely go to the Floor of the Senate for a vote from the whole chamber. This could happen as soon as Friday, March 18.
This bill was first introduced on Thursday, March 3. The rush to a committee hearing in the House was intended to suppress the voices of millions of Coloradans who oppose the murder of children through abortion. Yet in the past two weeks:
Over 350 Coloradans testified against RHEA in the House (only 50 testified for it)
Pro-Life House members filibustered RHEA for 24 hours in the longest bill debate in state history
Hundreds of Coloradans rallied against RHEA at the Capitol on March 12 (Read the story here)
A 2020 Cygnal poll showed that only 37 percent of the Coloradans agreed that abortion should be unrestricted. That same year, 1.3 million Coloradans voted to prohibit abortion after 22-weeks gestation. Lawmakers’ push to adopt legislation that permits unrestricted on-demand abortion for the full 40-weeks of pregnancy is out-of-touch with millions of Colorado voters.
Here is what you can do:
Your personal testimony is powerful. Sign-up to testify TOMORROW 3/17 in-person or remotely by using this link. How to sign-up:
Select in-person or remote
Select By Committee and Hearing Item, and Committee Name: “Senate Judiciary”
Select Meeting Date and Time: “03/17/22 Upon Adjournment”
Select Hearing Item: “Senate Judiciary HB22:1279 (Reproductive Health Equity Act [Froelich, Esgar, Gonzales])”
Complete sign-up form with your information
Contact Senate Democrats to vote “NO” on HB 1279 RHEA using our one-pager (below) with their phone numbers and direct emails.
Contact Governor Jared Polis to veto HB 1279 if it passes the Senate and goes to his desk. You can send a message to Gov. Polis and your representatives at this link.
If you would like guidance on testimony or how to contact lawmakers from the Colorado Catholic Conference, please sign-up by using this link.
Pray for our representatives in the House and Senate who are sponsoring this bill.
Pray for the continual and growing support of mothers who are facing unexpected pregnancies, and that they would come to cherish the gift of life in their womb.
Let your voice be heard against RHEA — and give a voice to the voiceless pre-born children most impacted if the bill is passed. Please contact all Senate Democrats to vote “NO” on HB22-1279 Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA).