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Image by Simon Berger


Writer's pictureDenver Catholic Staff

Small-town parish celebrates 100 years

On Sunday, Oct. 16, St. John’s Parish in Stoneham celebrated its 100th anniversary. Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila was in attendance and presided over a special Mass paying tribute to the history of the parish. Many families and friends of the parish gathered in thanksgiving for the past 100 years and celebrated at a reception following the Mass. Denver Catholic photographer Andrew Wright was there to capture the heartwarming occasion.

St. John’s Parish in Stoneham celebrated their 100th anniversary on Oct. 16. Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila presided over the Mass. (Photo by Andrew Wright)

A young boy kneels in front of the altar at St. John’s during the anniversary Mass. (Photo by Andrew Wright)

The hosts used at the anniversary Mass were made from wheat grown and harvested by the parishioners of St. John’s. (Photo by Andrew Wright)

Two altar boys stand at the altar during Mass. People of all ages gathered for the anniversary celebration, including an elderly gentleman who has been a parishioner at St. John’s for 75 years. (Photo by Andrew Wright)

Archbishop Aquila greets a parishioner after Mass. (Photo by Andrew Wright)

Archbishop Aquila poses with Father Michael Bodzioch, Deacon Richard Wilson, Father Marek Ciesla, Father David Stahl and two men from the local Knights of Columbus council outside of St. John’s Parish. (Photo by Andrew Wright)

Following the Mass, St. John parishioners and other members of the community gathered for fellowship and food. (Photo by Andrew Wright)


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