Thousands of youth gathered June 24-26 at Crowne Plaza DIA for the annual Steubenville of the Rockies youth conference. The theme for this year’s conference was “Thirst,” and featured talks by several speakers, including Sarah Swafford, Jason Evert and Brian Greenfield. Youth representing parishes and dioceses from all over the country were in attendance, and were challenged throughout the weekend to grow in their own faith. A special Mass said by Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila on Saturday morning was one of the highlights of the weekend (listen to it here), as was the powerful Saturday night Eucharistic adoration holy hour. Denver Catholic was at the conference to capture these two special moments of the weekend.
Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila processes in and kneels at the altar before the Saturday morning Mass at Steubenville of the Rockies. (Photo by Aaron Lambert/Denver Catholic)
Thousands of young people from all over the country were in attendance at Steubenville of the Rockies, which was held at the convention center at Crowne Plaza DIA. (Photo by Aaron Lambert/Denver Catholic)
During his homily, Archbishop Aquila reflected upon the Gospel reading of the day, which recounted the story of the centurion, and implored the youth in attendance to maintain that same demeanor of faith in their own lives. (Photo by Aaron Lambert/Denver Catholic)
Worship and liturgical music for the weekend was provided by a band of musicians led by St. Thomas More worship leader Ben Walther (center). (Photo by Aaron Lambert/Denver Catholic)
Archbishop prepares the gifts for consecration during the Communion prayer. (Photo by Aaron Lambert/Denver Catholic)
Archbishop Aquila presents the host for consecration during the Communion prayer. (Photo by Aaron Lambert/Denver Catholic)
Archbishop Aquila blesses the congregation while processing out after the celebration of the Mass. (Photo by Aaron Lambert/Denver Catholic)
Father Jim Crisman stands at the altar before the Blessed Sacrament during adoration. Adoration was the most powerful part of Saturday evening at the Steubenville conference. (Photo by Aaron Lambert/Denver Catholic)
Father Crisman led a Eucharistic Procession around the convention center during adoration. (Photo by Aaron Lambert/Denver Catholic)
Many youth lost themselves during adoration and lifted their hands in worship. After the music had ceased, the congregation continued to softly chant prayers. (Photo by Aaron Lambert/Denver Catholic)