All Articles
George Weigel
Distinguished Senior Fellow of Washington’s Ethics and Public Policy Center, George Weigel is a Catholic theologian and one of America’s leading public intellectuals.
Undercutting Vatican II to defend Vatican II?
Two families and the communion of saints
Russia, Ukraine, and moral reckoning
Marching toward a different future
Who invented the individual?
No optimism, much hope
Women of valor and the pro-life cause
The sacred earthiness of Christmas
The Vatican’s unread newspaper and the U.S. bishops
From Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936 to Beijing 2022
Books for Christmas 2021
On being thankful for America at Thanksgiving
Catholic progressives and the culture war
Bishops, public officials, and holy communion: once again
On John Paul II’s 75th anniversary
Pope Francis, ‘estranged’ Catholics, and holy communion
On not buying into the mythology of ‘prestige’ universities
The Casaroli Myth
Catholic “beliefs” and the abortion debate
The mighty pen of Father Paul Mankowski, S.J.