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Serving with purpose: A Catholic legislator’s journey in Colorado politics
Why have a Catholic funeral?
EWTN News/RealClear poll takes pulse of spiritual health of U.S. Catholics
How to pray Mother Teresa’s famous emergency ‘Flying Novena’ to Our Lady
Pope Francis: Living the fruits of the Holy Spirit helps us spread holiness
The Eucharist and the Mission of the Laity: The Case of Extraordinary Ministers
'For a safe trip to God': The 'why' of the funeral vigil
Christ, the Cross & Salvation: Common questions and misconceptions answered
Resurrection of Jesus Christ: No hoax
The Paschal Triduum: Worship, Experience, Encounter
The Plenary Indulgences of Holy Week, Easter Octave and Divine Mercy Sunday for Everyone
Preparing couples to grow ‘old and wrinkly’ together
Chesterton Academy follows “hometown hero” Julia Greeley on pilgrimage through streets of Denver
The scandal of John 6
‘Dominican moment’: How St. Dominic’s parish is building a community around the Eucharist, formation and encounter
‘Lord, to whom shall we go?’: How the Eucharist changes our life
A guide to make a good confession, from a priest who teaches confession
Seeing More: Worshiping Jesus during Mass, Adoration and beyond
Four saintly moms who get it
9 Things You Need to Know About Divine Mercy Sunday